Файо скачан с сайта: http://hl-away.moy.su/ .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. MY FAVORITE ASCII DRAWINGS (that are not my work)... PAGE II .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. On to small collections of animals by Seal and Row... I like nearly all of their ASCII art creations... I've just chosen a representative few. Visit their homepages to see more of their work. --=[ANIMAL COLLECTION]=-- by Armando Frazao (Seal) _.-~ ) _..--~~~~,' ,-/ _ .-'. . . .' ,-',' ,' ) ,'. . . _ ,--~,-'__..-' ,' ,'. . . (@)' ---~~~~ ,' /. . . . '~~ ,-' /. . . . . ,-' ; . . . . - . ,' : . . . . _ / . . . . . `-.: . . . ./ - . ) . . . | _____..---.._/ ____ Seal _ ~---~~~~----~~~~ ~~ Armadillo: ,.-----__ ,:::://///,:::-. /:''/////// ``:::`;/|/ /' |||||| :://'`\ .' , |||||| `/( e \ -===~__-'\__X_`````\_____/~`-._ `. ~~ ~~ `~-' Seal _____ _.--~_..__ ~~-._ "Varanus Komodoensis" :..____~ ~~--.._ ~~-.. ~ ._ ~~----__________ `-._ `. __ ~~~~~~-----...__ ~~\. ~-. .------.. ~~~---__ `. . .- ~~-----_________ ,' ~== __ ~~--__ \ \=_ | ___ ~ - ~-. \. ) ~--__ | `._ ;:~~:---__ `. `._ \ \~-.-------~~ \ \ ~~~~~_::. ) ~~--__ |`. | | ,=:__) \ \ `----' `-. / | | | __...=-. ) ;' | ,-=~~_,' '~~.==----' _Seal_ _,-' / ~~~ _______.......----~~~ _,' --~~""""---......._________...--' _.-----.._____,-~~~~-._...__ ,-' / `.... ,' ,' . . \::. ,' . '' : . \ `./::.. ,' .. . . . . : ;':::. / :go. : . : \ : ;'.::. | ' .o8) . :| : ,'. . / : ~:' . ' :/ . :/. . / , ' | : /. . / , | ./. L._ . ,' .:. / ,'. /-. :.--._,-'~~~~~~| ,'|: ,--. / .:/ |/::| `. |-. / .;' .-__)::/ \ ...._____...-|-. ,' .;' .' '.'|;' | ~--..._____\-_-' .:' .' / ' ___....--~~ _.-' `.___.' ./ ~~------+~~_. . ~~ .,' ~:_.' . . ._:' _ Seal _ ~~-+-+~~ ,- ,'::| /::::| ,'::::o\ _.. ____........-------,..::?88b ,-' / _.--"""". . . . . . . . ""`-._ ,-' .;' <. - :::::o...... ... . . .. . . . .""--._ ,-'. .;' `-._ ` `":`:`:`::||||:::::::::::::::::.:. . ""--._ ,'| ,-'. .;' """_=-- //'doo.. ````:`:`::::::::::.:.:.:. .`-`._-'. .;' ""--.__ P( \ ` ``:`:``:::: . .;' "\""--.:-. `. .:/ \. / `-._ `.""-----.,-..::(--"".\""`. `:\ `P `-._ \ `-:\ `. `:\ "" " -Seal `-._) --=[ANIMAL COLLECTION]=-- by Rowan Crawford /T /I / |/ | .-~/ T\ Y I |/ / _ /T | \I | I Y.-~/ I l /I T\ | | l | T / T\ | \ Y l /T | \I l \ ` l Y __ | \l \l \I l __l l \ ` _. | \ ~-l `\ `\ \ \\ ~\ \ `. .-~ | \ ~-. "-. ` \ ^._ ^. "-. / \ | .--~-._ ~- ` _ ~-_.-"-." ._ /._ ." ./ >--. ~-. ._ ~>-" "\\ 7 7 ] ^.___~"--._ ~-{ .-~ . `\ Y . / | <__ ~"-. ~ /_/ \ \I Y : | ^-.__ ~(_/ \ >._: | l______ ^--.,___.-~" /_/ ! `-.~"--l_ / ~"-. (_/ . ~( /' "~"--,Y -=b-. _) (_/ . \ : / l c"~o \ \ / `. . .^ \_.-~"~--. ) (_/ . ` / / ! )/ / / _. '. .': / ' ~(_/ . / _ ` .-<_ /_/ . ' .-~" `. / \ \ ,z=. ~( / ' : | K "-.~-.______// "-,. l I/ \_ __{--->._(==. //( \ < ~"~" // /' /\ \ \ ,v=. (( .^. / /\ " }__ //===- ` / / ' ' "-.,__ {---(==- .^ ' : T ~" ll -Row / . . . : | :! \\ (_/ / | | j-" ~^ ~-<_(_.^-~" _.-~7 . ,-" / \\ .^ / _.-~7 \\ / /-" / \\ /\. _.^ / ________\\ .--" _>-"/ / `--------\"\ ___ / .-~"_~"/l _.-^-. \.\" _/7-{ / /'~ ~/_.-"--._ / /_.-~ \|~~Y Y _// "~-. ~ <"_ __'_I__I | (_/ \\ \_/_.~ j I~-' )Y ">-'Y\//\ _. ( j__ /7--l //"\j|_/// ._ _7 ~"-. // "/,^. | 7/--||-~__) \ .// // //"'// l`"~_ Y .-Y 3/ .//_// // ~7` ||--._/ | 3/ L/ _// /` /|| ! L/ /` / !j / i /` / // / l\ /` '_// .^ -Row \"--"` L/ _.-~ "-.____.--"~ --= PEACOCK =-- by Unknown Artist o o% // -="~\ ~\\\ \\\ \\\ );\ /|;;\ """;;;;;;;\ ///"""""""";;;;;;\ ___////+++++""""""""""""";;;@@\ __________///////++++++++++++++""""""""@@@@%) ....__/0)///0)//0)//0)/++////////++++++++++"""@@@%%%%%/ ..---0)/--------////////////////+++++++/////+++++@@%%%%%%%/ ..///---0)---0)///0)//0)///0)/////////+++++====@%%%%%%/ ...0)....//----///------////////////+++++///" \/\\// //../0)--0)///0)///0)///0)//++++///// / \/ --///--------///////////+++///// _/ / .-//..0).-/0)--0)--0)--0)--.. /\ / .......--/////////. /\_ .0)..0).. another version (if anyone knows the artist of this bird, please email me) oo \___ /~ \ / \ | || _|\__ """;;;;;;;;\ ///"""""""";;;;;;;\ ___////+++++""""""""""""";;;;@@\ __________///////++++++++++++++""""""""@@@@%%| ....__/0)///0)//0)//0)/++////////++++++++++"""@@@%%%%%/ ..---0)/--------////////////////+++++++/////+++++@@%%%%%%%/ ..///---0)---0)///0)//0)///0)/////////+++++====@%%%%%%/ ...0)....//----///------////////////+++++///= \\ \\/ //../0)--0)///0)///0)///0)//++++///// \| \| --///--------///////////+++///// _/ | .-//..0).-/0)--0)--0)--0)--.. | .......--/////////. _| .0)..0).. [RABBIT] by Catalyst This is a beautiful picture of a bunny made by someone who was out of ASCII art before I even started into it. _________,---------.____------.___ /_______ `--._______ `--.____ \\ /__, ' `-----.____ `--._____,`_/:. ,' `---.___ ___// `. ,' .;'''';, `---' / \ ,; ; .' _ : ,' : ; `.--. //) /a. : :. : ,;.. /`\ \==) ~~ ;. `;;;. , '' ..`, ; /`\ ` . |~.. v' `. ``':::( ;'::(/`\ ; ; ; `.-'.;;;' `''''''''''' `---'--'--'~-.;;;' -Catalyst As you can probably tell, I prefer and enjoy the line-style ASCII... The solid-style ASCII has always been difficult for me to see. They are a little easier to visualize with light colored text on the dark background, but is nearly impossible (for me) to decipher the opposite unless I squint and blur my eyes. So when I saw the following on Allen Mullen's home page, I had to call everyone into the room to see... ---> COLORIZED Solid-Style Ascii drawings <--- This was the first time I had ever seen the ASCII pictures in color! Way Cool, IMO. Check out this Tweety Bird! Many of his pictures are colorized. -=[Tweety Bird]=- by Allen Mullen !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''''```'''`;;, `;, ``!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!' ;. `!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! ` `!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! `!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!> `!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! `!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! `!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! > `!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'`!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' `!!!'`!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' ;!!!!, `!' ;!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' !!!! !!!!!!!' < `!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! `!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!> !!!> !!!!!! !!> `!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'' ``' .,,,,. ``' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''`.,zcc$$$L $$$$$ <$$cc,. ```!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'`.,c$$$$$$$$$$c$$$$$,d$$$$$$$$c,.``!!!!!!!!!!! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' zd$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$hc,``!!!!!!!! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'`,c$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.` !!!!!!!!!!!!' c$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P z$$$P",z$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$c,"h `!! !!> !!!!!!!!!!!' d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,d$$P",d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$c`? `! !!! !!!!!!!!!!' d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$" d$$"$$$??$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$" h ! !!! !!!!!!!!!! d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$',$$$$.?$$h $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $P.hd.' !!! !!!!!!!!!',$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$',$'?$$h $$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $"d"?F !!! !!!!!!!!! d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$c$$h`$$$.<$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$F,P,$ d$ !!! `!!!!!!!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$r`$$>'$F,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ d dF $$ !!! `!!!!!!!! ?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ?" " d$$$$$$$$$$$$$P' `",c$P !!! `!!!!!!!! `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ?$$$$$$$$$$$$" d$$$'; !!!> !!!!!!!!, ?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$F . $$$$$$$$$$$P $$$F ! !!!> !!!!!!!!!> $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'d> , `$$$$$$$$$$' , $$$' ! !!!> !!!!!!!!!!.`$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Mb $$$$$$$$$$ ,$$" !! !!!! !!!!!!!!!!! `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ MM, ?$$$$$$$$P , d$P ;!! !!!! `!!!!!!!!!!!.`$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 4MM, <$$$$$$$$F MMMP $P ;!!! !!!! `!!!!!!!!!!!!. ?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.`MMMMMMM`<$$$$$$$$.4MMM 4P ;!!!! !!!! `!!!!!!!!!!!!!> `?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$L MMMMMMM d$$$$$$$$>`MM ,$ ;!!!!! !!!!> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, `?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$r`MMMMM',$$$$$$$$$h " ,$$.`!!!!! !!!!> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;, `"?$$$$$$$$$$$$.'PPP ,$$$$$$$$$$$$h$$$$$.`!!!! !!!!' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, `""$$$$$$$$$$hcccd$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ !!!! !!! ,cc .,.` ?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"'--""",$$$$$' !!!!!!!!! `!!!!!!!!;,`"?$$$$$$$$$$P"",;;!!!!!!!!! `!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!> !!!!!!!!! $.`!!!!!!!' zc,$$$$$$$$". `!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!> !!!!!!!!! $$.`!!!!' ,d$$$$$$$$$$$$$ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!> `!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!!!!! `$$r`!' ,d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!> !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! `!!!!!!!!> ?$$ ,d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$F,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!> !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! `!!!!!!!!! ?$ d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! `!!!!!!!!!!; "<$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P ;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! `!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!> !!!!!!!!!!!! `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! `!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!> ``.. ,,,,,,, ?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ `'''''''''''''''''' !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! c$$$h."$$$$$$c "$$$$$$$$$$$$$"".."?$$$$$hcccccccccccc ` "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$c "$$$$$F $$$$" `.,;!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.`?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$h $$$$$F $P" ;!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!> "?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P $$$$" ..,;;,,,.,.,;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Next, these favorites are from someone even newer to Ascii Art than myself. These dragons are by Shanaka Dias who keeps improving with each picture he makes... and to think that he asked *me* for tips! Sometimes I think I ought to be asking him! (HIS WEBSITE IS NO LONGER ACTIVE) He is very talented... he created the animated dog .gif on my main page as well as the animated bubbles .gif on the aquatic creatures page! -=[ DRAGONS ]=- by Shanaka Dias (snd) , , / \/ \ (/ //_ \_ .-._ \|| . \ \ '-._ _,:__.-"/---\_ \ ______/___ '. .--------------------'~-'--.)_,( , )\ \ `'--.___ _\ / | Shanaka Dias ,' \)|\ `\| /___.-' \ \ _:,_ Curtin University " || ( .'__ _.'\ '-/,`-~` Western Australia |/ \ ___.> /=,| | / _.-'/_ ) |email: edias@alpha1.curtin.edu.au| snd /` ( /(/ |_________________________________| \\ " '==' __ __ ( _) ( _) / / \\ / /\_\_ / / \\ / / | \ \ / / \\ / / |\ \ \ / / , \ , / / /| \ \ / / |\_ /| / / / \ \_\ / / |\/ _ '_| \ / / / \ \\ | / |/ 0 \0\ / | | \ \\ | |\| \_\_ / / | \ \\ | | |/ \.\ o\o) / \ | \\ \ | /\\`v-v / | | \\ | \/ /_| \\_| / | | \ \\ | | /__/_ / _____ | | \ \\ \| [__] \_/ |_________ \ | \ () / [___] ( \ \ |\ | | // | [___] |\| \| / |/ /| [____] \ |/\ / / || snd ( \ [____ / ) _\ \ \ \| | || \ \ [_____| / / __/ \ / / // | \ [_____/ / / \ | \/ // | / '----| /=\____ _/ | / // __ / / | / ___/ _/\ \ | || (/-(/-\) / \ (/\/\)/ | / | / (/\/\) / / // _________/ / / \____________/ ( / ) ( |\ /| \\ // \\ /// \| /( \ )\ \\ \_ //) \\ :\__ /// \\ ) // \ \\: / // |/ \\ / \ // \ /) \ ___..-' (| \_| // / _.' \ \ \ /| \ \________ \ | / (| _ _ __/ '-. ) /.' \\ . '-.__ \_ / / \ \\_'. > --._ '. \ / / / \ \ \ \ \ .' /.' \ \ '._ / \ ) / .' | \ \_ \_ | .'_/ __/ \ \ \_ | / / _/ \_ \ \ / _.' / / \ \ | /.' / .' '-,_ \ \ .' _.'_/ \ /\ /\ ) ___( /_.' \ | | _\__// \ (.' _/ | | \/_ __ /--'` , __/ / (_ ) /b) \ '. : \___.-'_/ \__/ /:/: , ) : ( /_.'__/-'|_ _ / /:/: __/\ > __,_.----.__\ / (/(/(/ (_(,_/V .'/--' _/ __/ | / VvvV //` _.-' _.' \ \ n_n// (((/->/ | / '--' ~=' \ | | |_,,, snd \ \ / '.__) <>=======() (/\___ /|\\ ()==========<>_ \_/ | \\ //|\ ______/ \) \_| \\ // | \_/ \|\/|\_ // /\/ (oo)\ \_// / //_/\_\/ / | @@/ |=\ \ | \_=\_ \ | \==\ \|\_ snd __(\===\( )\ (((~) __(_/ | (((~) \ / ______/ / '------' .----. .' \__ '. | __| _ : V\/(0I0\/ |/ \ : / ' (oYo) /` `\__ _| _ Vuu: , |uV\/ \| \_/| : /\ : snd \ -' / '-.___.-' <> = <; Another great newcomer to ASCII art is Glory Moon. Here is one of her *first* ASCII pictures: Watch for this gal! --=[BRIDAL COUPLE]=-- by Glory Yp aka 'Glory Moon' , , . , ~@ `@ @~ `@ , ~@ @ZXZ%%X&ZX%Z%XZ@`, ;@ % @.~@,-.&&,-.@~ @ @H @~ ,@X ~ @( )( )@" ~@X H @ ) () ( ;@H@. , `@X , ` '-=o=-'=o=-' %@ `@ % @ ,@ X@~ ~ X@ " " % , ;@H ,-. H@. %@~ .,. (/)_) `@X H ` ,*@@@*. d " b ,@%@~ %@~ &&&-b \ / ~@% X@. && /: ,-/[x]\-. ' X@ ~@H &!! / \|M|/ \ H ` 'X@ /]( )[\ /|M|\~| | X@: H | ( ~~ ) !\| |/ | | `@% H@. `='8 [`=' |-| | | ~ H ,@X \\(@*)// |-| |/ H@~ %@~ / (*@@*) \_| |__| `@X H ` / (*@) \ | | ,@%@~ X@ / ,~ ;: ~` \| | H `@% ' / : ; \ | ~@% , H /~ ; \ | X@. X@. /., ~@~ ~@~ \| H H / '"*.,,*"'*,.,*'"\| `@H @X@~ / \ X@ ~ %@, / \ ,@H ~ H / \ H H@.@~ ~@\ %@, ,@X `'"*'*, ~@~ ~@~ ,.*'"*" ~@X H@~ '"*,.*"'"*.,*"' H@. H><>gpyy<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>-, `~-~.,' .'-j cute little / `. ,<_ ( `. \ animals... She does wonderful `=-j\ `- _ } ____________________==_ .:Y:. _== __________________."" `--^--' "". _________________(,~-~."" "" ,~-~.) ___________------( )----( )----- _________________^-'-'-^____^-'-'-^ ________________________________________ _________________|"""" /~.^.~\ """"| _________________,i-i-i(""( i-i-i. ________________(o o o ))"")( o o o) _________________\(_) /(""(__\ (_)/ __________________`--'__\""\__`--' _________________________)"") ________________________(""/ _________________________`" _ __ ___ 6%' `--' `. ( o ) `--) \ ,. ,' \ ) (66\ ,-. \_ `.__,'\_ )99) (,- `.__\," `"".__,' / (_,- ,d88b. / ( _ _ 888888 ( `-' `.__,% `%888' , ) `. .' ( 7-. | `. ,-( `--", _, ) hjw (,- `._ )`%--"7 ( `97 (,- _," ) \ ( _," ( ( ( ) `--' `"`-"`--" "spot/dribbel" __ __ __ ,. ," ,`-o o-'. ". ,. ,. ," e`-o (_( ( | _,' `. | ) )_) (( ( | _,' \ `-' `-' (__ __) `-' `-' / \\~--' `-'/ ( O `--.' ".-- ) ( / /) .__,`--~' `~--'.__, (\ /) .___. ) (( ( hjw hjw ) )) (( ( (( ( hjw `''' ``` ``-' ``-' Pooh Characters by Hayley Jane Wakenshaw (1998 creations) these are just wonderful!! Flump __ ( !--. .=-. \_\/_,' / | --("))))))= __|__ | / < > > \ .=-. .-' `-:._.-. | \ / \' / | .\_. | | | ,- `(\|.--. .' \ . / \ / `'| ),' `-\__/ |` ` (\ `-'| / \ ' ; .' \ , /\ .' \ '`-.___.-< \ .< \ /\\ `---'| `. -' || `..-' hjw .=`-....___ || / _.-`--=._ `----.___// \.' _.-'-.`-. `----' \ ;' \ ; '`-. .' / ___ `. / / ,' , `-._ _.-| / /.--\ \ `._ __.---' `./ | \' \ `. `._.-' `. ``. | | `. d8oooo._\_ `. \ /\ / 988888888b. `. \ /::`-.__.'\ 688888888888b : | ___ |::::::::::\ "d8b""888888, ; |`-. .' _`. |::::::::::::. 8888888 | `. / .::::\ |::::::::::::::. /888888' / / /:::::| \:::::::::::::::.._ .' d88888 ___ .' | |:::::| `:::::::::::::::::"--.' `88888`. .-' _`._ |:::::| `::::::::::::::::-' d8889 `/ ,.::.\`-.__ |:::::/ `::::::::::;'`-._ `"' / /:::::| `-._\:::;' ``''''' `-._ /::::::| `"' `-._ |:::::::/ `-._ |::::::/ `.__\:::;' `"' , , _ _ \`.)\ _ _ __)\)`-) )'|//( ___ _.--' ___ `' <,',-\ /,-._ ,\|' `-._ `<_ /_( ( _ `-. <_` (.-_\/ _-. )\,' \ `.`_ ,| / |:| \ \/ \; . \ \< .';|/_o/;\_o\ | \.' \(\` / ; / .' | \ ; \-. / ; / _;__ / ; ,--.`.`.\ /.' /""; "-. | |' ; `. /; ! ; `| | `. `. | \ O; O | ; ;. `. \ ,\ ; /\ / ; \ \ ,' `._;_.-' \ .' : \ ' / ),' ; \ | / ; \ >-. / ; | / | ; | __,-| | .- ; | ,-' /`. . \ _;_ ; |-. ( /`-. 7"""' `.`-. ; /. \ `| .'`-.,-/ \ ;' / | | .'`| ; | \ ; ;' / \ ` .--.;' .' `._.-`-. . / (_)\ /.-' hjw `--'-. | | \| _.-' `--....\ \--' ,==._,==.`.`. (\ |\_ \`=. `, /__) ) _\`' `~-`=._.=7.__.' /_.~') _.'/`;='.`=. /,'),' / ` ) ' (/ `._.='`==' _ ___ _ /`.`. .-=""_;_""=-. .','\ | \`.`#"'.-" ; "-.`"#'.', | \`=>-Y ,( o_;_o ) ,Y-<'/ `--'\#>-`-'_;_`-'-<#/`--' _ / .:::::. _ \ _ .-' `-'i-_ |:::::| `i-' `-._ ' .-j' `:::::' `-j-. .' `L' "T" `j-. `. ,-'|\.___:___./| ` | `.____ .' | \ / _.. `. .' .-## `-. |=`.___.'| .' ## `. /_ =#`. .#b # \ .####.. .-._##". .'### \ | /###""" / ; `=##\,## "#b .j. / /==--.. / ; \/ "## " / `-._.' /##==-._ | ; | ##b / |########= | _..-d#b! "# / >###"" .=-+###" d###"`-._ .' |#" ,d## d### ##" `+. / d### d### #" \ .d8#o. / ###" ## \ | .' ### `. | ##" "# .'`. | /#b _# =# d\ \ "# __.--' ; `-.____/ (###b \#8 ##\ `.___..---'| ; | "##8/ \" d###\ hjw |=-""###| ; | `" \=##" ; |8#b "#/ ; / | =##| ;####b= / ; | |,#=,_| |""" | ; ; |#####| |_ -=##/ ; | | ,-=| |##b / ; / |_.d##| ;###=/ ; / |#####| | __ `. ; /. |`""""| /d####=- \ ; / b. | =##"\ /########= \ ; | ###-. \",=___\ _.,/##"" -==\ | ####" `. \####""8b#" #/ _d#8##b d"| / ###" #\ `#" ### ##|_d###""""8###| / #" _,"###| `.##" ###.\_.= _____ /-.'#, -=######/ `---""" `-. __####.'.' _d8' .-" "-< ( --'--._ .' .----._`.`-. `. | ,' \| `-. \ \( .' `---....__.' `---"""' Another newcomer to ASCII art is "Morfina" (aka mrf) This Italian gent has created some wonderful animals such as this elephant: __ '. \ Elephant by Morfina '- \ / /_ .---. / | \\,.\/--.// ) | \// )/ / \ ' ^ ^ / )____.----.. 6 '.____. .___/ \._) .\/. ) '\ / _/ \/ ). ) ( /# .! | /\ / \ C// # /'-----''/ # / . 'C/ | | | | |mrf , \), .. .'OOO-'. ..'OOO'OOO-'. ..\(, and this tiny Bambi-- (oh, the small ones are so hard to do and look right) Morfina's work is great! . / \__ .. _ \.' '._o \_|_) )) __( __ / / ). \ _( ,/ /.____.' / '' '..-' | \ _ ( )v /-'._ ) //// |// // \\mrf// // \\ ||\\ --"------"-"--"-- Morfina has also started to make some wonderful ASCII people renderings... See this wizard: ____ Wizard by Morfina .'* *.' __/_*_*(_ / _______ \ _\_)/___\(_/_ / _((\- -/))_ \ \ \())(-)(()/ / ' \(((()))/ ' / ' \)).))/ ' \ / _ \ - | - /_ \ ( ( .;''';. .' ) _\"__ / )\ __"/_ \/ \ ' / \/ .' '...' ' ) / / | \ \ / . . . \ / . . \ / / | \ \ .' / b '. '. _.-' / Bb '-. '-._ _.-' | BBb '-. '-. (________mrf\____.dBBBb.________)____) Here is some wonderful work by Valkyrie, aka Marie Bird. She is another "mom" who finds enjoyment by making these ASCII pictures. Her mythological creatures and 'Sailor Moon' ASCIIs are just amazing. -=[ SHARK ]=- by Valkyrie ,_. ./ | _- ./ | _-'/ ______., ./ / .' ( _---'___._. '----___/ ( ./ /`' (,----,_ G \ \_. ./ : \___ "--_ "--._, ./ / /^^^^^-__ ,,,,, "-._ /| / / `, - ///// "`--__/ (_, ,_/ ./ "-_, ''''' __, `--' / "-_, \\ `-_ ( "-_. \\ \. \_ / "--__, \\ \. ____. "-._, / ./ `---____\\ \.______________,---\ ( \, "-., | ./ \\ \ /\ | \| `--______---` | ./ \\ \ /_/\_! | ./ \\ \ | / *:TIGER SHARK:* \_\ |_/ -=[ GARGOYLES ]=- by Valkyrie Gargoyles : Goliath ._. /__ \_------------______ \\-____. `----___. ||\, `-_`----__ \, ,__. || \, `-_ `---__ \, ,_-', __\, || \, `-_ `---__ \ ,/ ,/| || \, `-_ `--_. \ ,/ ,':!| || \ `-_ | `--_\ ,/ ,' ;!| || \ `-_ \ \ ,/ / | :: !| \ `-__ \ ,/ / | ',', / ; \ `-.\ ,/ ,/ ; ',!, ,_____,/ / \ ,---=\ / | ! ! ,--', ` `` `-,---. \ / \ / ; \ \ | _ _,';,',_ ) \. \ | ,/ | \ \.\(_\T,^-__-^,7/ \ , \, | / ; `/ |,Q\,,/Q,| \,- \|\ \, | / | ,.'_ \ /LJ\ / \, / \ \, | / ; / `- :/__\; \,_ \ \, | / | | \__/ | \ \_____. \, | ; | < ` --___.'\_-\ _L_, \,\, | | ,__ \ \`-----' ; | \, _,--`_ \,\| , ; / `--_| , \`____' ' --__.' | >,---._\, \| | __, : / \-' \ ' / `=L '==/ \ |/ `-,| / \ |`____',-___/ ____ / |:/ __\`,; |_ _-/_-~ ~--__ |/ ,-' \ `, `._/-_`-__--'_-| ~--_ | _-' _\ \ `-__--' ;| \ / _-' __,-' \ | / | | |, _-' ,-',' \ | / ;| _______---> / \`--' _-' / \ | / |--'__-' ,/ `-____-' / ,/ >-,_|, / ; /--. ,__.; .____/ |,/ [/[/\ ]________; L '-_ / ' ,/ L L V J`J"`) .' _, ,/ ,-`-_-; `-~' / __, ,__ Gargoyles: DEMONA // \\ / L/| |\J | | / \ | ,/^| ,~-_,--`, |^\ / /\| / \, ||\\~, / //\\ / ,\,./';. `, || \\ ~, / // \\ | (~Q'Q~'; ; ,// \\ ~. ,/ // \\ (, \ ^_, / //' \\ ~-. / //' \`,.__\_`--' \,/,'L `\\ \. ,/ // `~---/ // \. `\\ \, / ,/' | |\, \. `:, \ | ;; !/ `-_ ,`-_ \_, \`, :, | || ( ,: )/\. `. / || | | |! / `-- `--'/ \,/ / !| :, ,; ,;' ; /\ < / /' ':, | | || / ;/ ) \,-' /\ || | | || / ./; /_ , _{=_.' | __ || :, | || __ ; /_/ |--:==:--"\ |/ \ || | | || / \| ( / \ / | \ || | | |! / | ,] | | / \ \ |! | ,; ,;' __ | \L, | \ | \ | ,;; | | || / \ | \ | / | | __|! | | ||/ \| \ \ | | |/ ,;; | | || \ \| | !; ; | :: <\ ("\| /\( ,:' / : \\ \ ` \.: i\, || / \ \\ | | `, | `-_ ;! / \ || | ,/ |` |_, `-_ '.\ / \|! / / \ | `-_ `-__\\ / :; / /_ _) ! `-_____\\|-, / / ,--~ \. \ \|-,\ ,-_/ / ; \ \ \\ _--, | | \_ |: (---, / :,; `,_) /-' (--' ' \,] ' ' And while we're on the subject of gargoyles and mythical creatures, look at this ASCII rendering of a griffon and dragon duking it out by Dan Hunt. He has more mythical creatures on his homepage including JavaScript animations... -=[DRAGON AND GRIFFON]=- by Dan Hunt , , ,-`{-`/ ,-~ , \ {-~~-, ,~ , ,`,-~~-,`, ,` , { { } } }/ ; ,--/`\ \ / / }/ /,/ ; ,-./ \ \ { { ( /,; ,/ ,/ ; / ` } } `, `-`-.___ / `, ,/ `,/ \| ,`,` `~.___,---} / ,`,,/ ,`,; ` { { __ / ,`/ ,`,; / \ \ _,`, `{ `,{ `,`;` { } } /~\ .-:::-. (--, ;\ `,} `,`; \\._./ / /` , \ ,:::::::::, `~; \},/ `,`; ,-=- `-..-` /. ` .\_ ;:::::::::::; __,{ `/ `,`; { / , ~ . ^ `~`\:::::::::::<<~>-,,`, `-, ``,_ } /~~ . ` . ~ , .`~~\:::::::; _-~ ;__, `,-` /`\ /~, . ~ , ' ` , .` \::::;` <<<~``` ``-,,__ ; /` .`\ /` . ^ , ~ , . ` . ~\~ \\, `,__ / ` , ,`\. ` ~ , ^ , ` ~ . . ``~~~`, `-`--, \ / , ~ . ~ \ , ` . ^ ` , . ^ . , ` .`-,___,---,__ `` /` ` . ~ . ` `\ ` ~ , . , ` , . ~ ^ , . ~ , .`~---,___ /` D.Hunt . ~ , \ ` ~ , . ^ , ~ . ` , ~ . ^ , ~ . `-, and finally, my most favorite line-ASCII artist of people is Joris Bellenger...also known as B'ger. My favorite work from him are the following... They are also special because he made them for me! ;) --=[AQUATIC GODDESS]=-- by Joris Bellenger (B'ger) __________________________________________________________ |\________________________________________________________/| || || || %%%%%%%%%%%%%% || || %%%%%%%%%%%% _\ ~~ ~ || || %%%%%%%%%%%%% > ,___ || || %%%%%%%' _` / _==. || || __/ /____/ | /_ || || ~ ~~ / _________| <^)(((=( || || ~ \ .) ) " || || _\ \ ( ~ ~~ || || )=)))(^> \ ,%*%%%%%%*%%-._ || || " \%%%%*%%%*%%%%/ ) || || ~~ ~~ %*%%%%%*%%%*/ /| || || `*%%*%%%%* | / | ~~ ~ || || ~ |/ \| || || / /| || || /| \| b'ger || || |/ || ||________________________________________________________|| |/________________________________________________________\| (You can see it colorized on my "swimming" ASCII art page...) here's another Aquatic Goddess: % % % %% ~~ ~ ~ % %%% % %%%% %%%%%%%%%%%% _/__ %%%%%%%%% _ - /o /,\ ~ ~ %%%%% > ,__, >_////\_ %'%_ ` /-__/ ' \/ __/ /____/ | ~ ~~ / _____| ~ / / .) ) / /\ ( ~ ~~ | / ) ,%%. __|/ %%*%%%%* ~ ~ -//,-\ %*%%%*%%% %%*%%%%% *%%*%%* *%%%' ) ~ ~~ ) )/ ,._ / // ,__, ~ _; '-,._ | // _,._ (/__/\oo/\__(/ |// _,-' , \_. _/\/__\/\_ _,.- //\ .-' _/ \_ -.__; b'ger /\\/ \/ ~~ ~ -=[Joan of ASCII]=- by Joris Bellenger (\_______ \\ \___________________ \\ Joan \ \ __ \\______\ of A S C I I < /_ \___ \\ \_________________\ \__(\_:) \\ ~ ~ )) (_\>> =_ ?( |_\\ , , __) \))___/_|\\ _)\_/) (/ )/( __//|)< \\ (/ (O)\|_, _/\(( '\/ \\ /_ ` _| /\ >_)/)x..( \\ / ,\_// \_\ /, \ .\\-. \=-O \ )__\ //\__::_) /__\\ \ \ \___\-)_____/-----.,/( )\\ ) \' /____/ \ \ / \\ / (o__/-----+ | /\\ '':O:-''\__) ' |\ / \\ | ' \_|, \ / ( \\ / \_| / o)____,/ / \\ / / | (__/ | | / \) ( /--| /. \ (\ (_ `----,( ( _\ \ / / ,/ | / /,_/,/ __ _|/_______ / / (__ / / ( ^-/, | \ / /, | ^-' \ / ^-' \ /___________________________\ |___________________________| | | | ___________________ | | | | | | | | | | | S P U N K | | | | 1 1 1 1 | | | | | | | | | | | |___________________| | | | /|__________________b'ger|\ /___________________________\ |___________________________| .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. PAGE I OF MY FAVORITE ASCII ART .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. Most of these works can be found by following the links... Be sure to spend some time wandering around in cyberspace... there is **a lot** of ASCII art to be found! (BTW, I've included on this page the links to these artists homepages...) If you leave, please do stop by here again! :) .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. Content-Disposition: form-data; name="syst"